Upcoming Webinar: Risk Mitigation for Small Businesses

By | June 6th, 2013|Uncategorized|

We’ve made it a practice here at Experian to pick a security topic to focus on each quarter. For each topic we conduct a unique research survey, create a white paper and schedule a webinar with leading security experts to discuss the topic. Our goal with this practice is to create a number of resources [...]

Protecting Your Small Business

By | April 18th, 2013|Uncategorized|

According to the 2013 Symantec Internet Security Threat Report, 50 percent of all targeted cyber attacks in 2012 were aimed at businesses with fewer than 2,500 employees. Thirty-one percent of attacks were aimed at businesses with fewer than 250 employees. These stats are telling—small businesses are increasingly becoming a target for hackers.The reasons why are [...]

March Recap: In It to Win It – From Happy Hour to Consumer Research

By | April 11th, 2013|Uncategorized|

What a busy month for us. March was full of events, research reports, awards and more. Take a look at the highlights below:Experian at SXSWiSince we’re headquartered in Austin, TX, home to South by Southwest Interactive (SXSWi), we take part in the festival each year. This year we hosted a booth at the Tech Career [...]

Parental Awareness and Action about Child Identity Theft Revealed

By | April 2nd, 2013|Uncategorized|

One in 10 children will become victim to child identity theft and the thieves can go unnoticed for years as children’s credit reports may not be checked until they turn 18. Many times families discover the crime when the child applies for his or her first credit card, loan or apartment and are met with [...]

Upcoming Webinar: Child Identity Theft – A Parenting Blind Spot

By | March 13th, 2013|Uncategorized|

In our recent consumer research survey, we found that a whopping 43% of parents do not know that child identity theft is a growing concern, and only 18% of parents are concerned with their child’s identity being stolen online. Meanwhile, according to ITAC’s 2012 Child Identity Fraud Report, one in 40 U.S. households with minor [...]

Webinar Recap: What to do when a password is no longer secure?

By | October 1st, 2012|Uncategorized|

We recently hosted a webinar featuring Experian VP Marc Ostryniec and Toopher CEO Josh Alexander. Marc and Josh discussed consumer password habits, supplemented by statistics from our  recent consumer survey. The two also revealed how these habits put consumers and businesses at risk for compromise, and what businesses can do to mitigate these risks now [...]

Webinar: Mitigating the Risk of Poor Password Practices

By | September 6th, 2012|Uncategorized|

When it comes to securing passwords, companies can encrypt, hash and salt to their hearts’ content but they will still be at risk. Why? Because people can be careless when it comes to password creation and management. If one consumer uses the same password on multiple sites, and one of those sites is compromised, the [...]

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