Security Insights: Email Security – Internet and Email Scams

By | September 12th, 2013|Uncategorized|

Email and internet scams are just some of the top ways cyber criminals manipulate everyday users to click on a malicious link or visit a hacked website. These scams not only put individuals users at risk, companies are also at risk as these scams often target employees at all types of companies. recently put [...]

Tis the Season: Security Tips for Online Holiday Shopping

By | December 5th, 2012|Uncategorized|

It’s that time of year again! As you finish your holiday décor and put your gifts under the tree, make sure you stay safe while shopping for your loved ones online this season with these quick tips.Make sure your devices are up-to-date. Any device you use for shopping; including smartphones, tablets and computers; should have [...]

Securing Your Digital Life: Lessons from the Mat Honan Hack

By | August 9th, 2012|Uncategorized|

With just a few easy details in hand, a hacker can drastically change your life. Wired technology reporter Mat Honan’s digital life was recently abolished by a couple of hackers who ultimately sought access to his three-letter Twitter handle, @Mat. Within a matter of minutes, they deleted his Google account, erasing years of communication with [...]

Password Complexity: Why It Makes a Difference in a Breach

By | May 15th, 2012|Uncategorized|

By: Joel Carleton, Experian Director of Cyber EngineeringWe’ve all heard that it’s important to pick long, complicated passwords. What you may not realize is why this becomes crucial in the context of a breach. While ensuring you don’t pick from some of the most common passwords is important, it’s still not enough. Some background information on how passwords [...]

The Changing Landscape of Spam

By | October 19th, 2011|Uncategorized|

PC Mag recently published an infographic that visualizes a study by Commtouch about “The State of Hacked Accounts.” Commtouch collected data from email users who have had their email accounts hacked to draw conclusions about email security and the motives of email hackers.Findings: The study found that two-thirds of hacked email accounts are used to [...]

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