Sex Offenders Dodging Responsibility Through Identity Theft

By | August 1st, 2012|Uncategorized|

You’ve heard of the websites that can locate sex offenders near you. Maybe you’ve even used them to scope out your neighborhood. But are those websites giving you the full picture? What if some sex offenders are flying under the radar?According to a recently released study from Utica College, more than 16 percent of sex [...]

Facebook Takes on Security with Universal Authentication

By | July 25th, 2012|Uncategorized|

You’ve surely come across it—the “connect using Facebook” option on a variety of websites these days—but is it safe?Nearly half a million of Formspring’s hashed passwords were compromised this month. As The Verge’s Ellis Hamburger observed, Formspring CEO Alde Olonoh recommended that users login through Facebook Connect for a secure connection.According to Hamburger, “Implementing Facebook [...]

Security Insights: Handling Credit Card Data

By | July 16th, 2012|Uncategorized|

According to the Unisys Security Index, credit and debit card fraud is the no. 1 fear of Americans in the midst of the global financial crisis. This concern regarding fraud supersedes that of terrorism, computer and health viruses, and personal safety.Now, that is big deal – especially as data breaches become more apparent and more [...]

FBI Leads Undercover Operation Against Cyber Crime

By | July 3rd, 2012|Uncategorized|

Experian’s CyberAgent technology scans more than 10,000 underground websites and forums per day—more than 600,000 individual web pages—for personal identifying information (PII) being bought and sold. This PII includes bits like Social Security Numbers, email addresses, passwords and credit and debit card numbers. In fact, the credit and debit card numbers often come with the [...]

CSID Participates in IAPP Austin KnowledgeNet

By | June 21st, 2012|Uncategorized|

Experian’s Tim Brown joined local security professionals and lawyers as a panelist on the panel “Who Watches the Watchers?: Third-Party Vendor Privacy and Data Security Issues” earlier this week. The panel discussed privacy and data security issues facing organizations that work with a multitude of third-party vendors as well as the challenges faced by both [...]

Security Insights: Security Breaches

By | June 14th, 2012|Uncategorized|

A security breach is an act from an outside organization that bypasses or contravenes security policies, practices, or procedures. A similar internal act is called a security violation ( a security breach can seem imminent at times, there are ways to avoid IT security breaches within a company. Take a look at 10 simple measures [...]

Security Insights: Cybersecurity Bill

By | June 14th, 2012|Uncategorized|

The Washington Post describers the cybersecurity bill as, “a bill that would encourage companies and the federal government to share information collected on the Internet to help prevent electronic attacks from cybercriminals, foreign governments and terrorists.” What is the opposition?“The White House, along with a coalition of liberal and conservative groups and some lawmakers, strongly [...]

Lesson From the LinkedIn Breach: Be Proactive.

By | June 7th, 2012|Uncategorized|

Hackers recently posted 6.5 million unique hashed passwords from LinkedIn, with already 200,000 of these passwords cracked. LinkedIn is a global social networking site for professionals—and it’s likely that many of the site’s users use the same password with other sites, including online retail stores, news websites and sites related to their employers.What does this [...]

Meet the EU’s New Privacy and Breach Regulations

By | May 31st, 2012|Uncategorized|

Starting May 26, the EU began enforcing its E-Privacy Directive that passed last year. This directive requires that websites notify all individuals in the EU about any tracking that takes place on the site and receive consent before carrying out the tracking (i.e. tags, cookies).What does this new directive mean for businesses?So many businesses are [...]

Saving Brands From Breach

By | May 22nd, 2012|Uncategorized|

When a company is breached, it suffers more than just data exposure and recovery expenses—the company brand can take a significant hit. Studies show that data breaches often have long-term effects on brand value. Organizations that have been breached have reported losing anywhere from $184 million to more than $300 million in brand value per [...]

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